
Regardless of age or individual circumstances, you can maintain excellent health far into old age...

"The Fit Generation" is an inspiring award-winning documentary that explores the lives of active older adults in Canada, particularly those in their 70s and 80s. Despite facing significant health challenges and loss of loved ones, those featured in the film continue to engage in physically challenging activities...

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 Up to FIVE free snacks with every online order   Health Island now has a LOYALTY PROGRAM, with increasing extra freebees for every order you place online (see terms below). HOW IT WORKS1.       Every time you order online exceeding a total value of R350, we allocate ONE extra yummy...

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New research: The link between poor nutrition and ADHD

Here's a good reason for children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) to eat their fruits and vegetables: It may help reduce inattention issues, a new study suggests.As part of a larger study, researchers asked parents of 134 kids with ADHD symptoms to complete a detailed questionnaire about...

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The Science of Snacking

Are snacks good or bad for you?   A snack is generally defined as any food eaten between main meals. Many people snack at least once during the course of a day, and there are several reasons why. The most common scenario is that our stomachs start growling...

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